● Many in India are unable to marry because of poverty

● Marriage completes half the deen of an individual

● Avoiding marriage is leading youth into sin

● Society can only be a good place to live when there is a proper family system. Please contribute to poor girl marriage donation.

"And among His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find TRANQUILITY in them; and He placed between you AFFECTION and MERCY"
(Quran 30:21)

Poor girls marriage donation

  • Poor girls marriage donation project is organised every year
  • All required documentation for the marriage is collected and a personalised file is created for each couple
  • We do not do matchmaking, but we help a couple marry who do not have the finances to get married
  • The event is announced 2-3 months prior for ease of registration for couples who have found their partners
  • 25-50 relatives of the bride and groom’s family are invited to the wedding
  • Food for all is prepared
  • We provide double beds, mattresses, bedding, a double wardrobe and a sewing machine so that the family can be self-dependent
  • Other essentials such as utensils, that are required in the house are also provided 
  • Both the bride and groom are given a couple of pair of clothes
  • After nikkah, the couple’s belongings are transported to the couple’s home in trucks
  • Many of these are brides are orphans
  • We have had around 101 marriages last year in Rajasthan and Mozambique from which some brides were orphans
  • If you can please contribute, no matter how small or big, to Poor girl’s marriage donation
  • A single wedding costs £500
Slide 1
Bridegrooms on stage
Slide 3
Slide 4
Preparing food for the guest
Slide 5
Food being served to guest
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Slide 1
Essentials given to the new couple
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Essentials sent to couples through trucks
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